Some students enter graduate school with outside fellowships or awards, or receive such fellowships or awards during their PhD. In this case, support will be supplemented with details dependent on the amount of the outside fellowship.
A number of such funding opportunities are available, and a selected list is provided below. These are all prestigious awards and often provide more research flexibility. Interested graduate students should talk to their supervisor or the DGS about the possibility of applying.
The Columbia Graduate School of Arts and Sciences maintains an extensive list of databases and other resources where additional fellowship opportunities may be found, as does the DOE and NASA.
If you have any suggestions for additional prizes/resources that are not on this page, please provide them here.
Graduate Student Fellowships
The Center for Computational Quantum Physics (CCQ) of the Flatiron Institute, Simons Foundation, has established CCQ Graduate Fellowships to support outstanding graduate students at Columbia who plan to perform research in collaboration with CCQ staff. The Fellowships are offered to selected students as part of the admissions package, and would provide full salary support, tuition and fringe benefits at the level normally charged to federal research grants, and $4000/year to be used by the student for research expenses (e.g. travel to professional meetings). Recipients of the awards are expected to perform research relevant to CCQ’s mission (typically in collaboration with CCQ staff) and would be required to maintain good academic standing and appropriate visa status. Students would be co-supervised by a university faculty member and a member of CCQ staff and progress to the Ph.D. would be assessed according to usual university practices. An annual report is required. If these conditions are met, the award would be continued up to a maximum of six years from date of entry to the Ph.D. program. It is expected that on average one fellowship will be awarded every two years.